A few words about the spread of Qi - Human energy

According to my understanding, this is a very broad field, and to write about this field there will be many issues that must be mentioned and brought up, and not just a few articles can say everything in this field.
Everyone knows: people who practice at very high levels, such as Buddhas, Saints, and Spirits, all have a halo that radiates around them.
In reality, GAS also has different origins and has its own nature.
The good energies from the places I mentioned above are gathered here and from there bring good things to the people in that area, those who come to that area.
Creatures in life as well as normal people always spread the energy in the body to the surrounding, this can be FEEL by everyone in life.
AIR - ENERGY in each person can be affirmed to contain that person's true nature, even if they deliberately want to hide their true nature, they cannot.
Having this understanding, we can have feelings of peace, security, wanting to be close or unstable, needing to be cautious, wanting to stay away, or simply not being excited when meeting someone or meeting someone.
In real life, people can rely on the spread and accumulation of good energy in a certain location (such as in pagodas, temples, churches, synagogues, mosques, classrooms, martial arts, etc.).
The article is also long, I still don't see what I want to say, but the basic idea is enough.
We hope that the higher-ups will be merciful and tolerant of what is not seen in the article.
The above are just my subjective understandings that I sincerely want to share with everyone.
Thank you very much for your interest and reading my article.
Warsaw, July 6, 2021
Master Nguyen Ngoc Noi
