A few words to discuss about health care in Noi Vinh Xuan
Many people have said that Wing Chun can cure diseases or is suitable for treating this or other diseases.
Obviously, not to mention the self-defense (martial arts) properties of Wing Chun that are admired by many people, in particular in terms of health care, Wing Chun is very effective.
Master Bodhidharma, when preaching to his disciples at Shaolin Temple, saw
So we can see that the nutritional properties (health promotion, health recovery, healing) in martial arts are very high, followed by the ability to self-defense.
Wing Chun is also a martial art originating from Shaolin, so it has deeply inherited Buddha's nature, expressed in its system of exercises.
For us humans, I think there are few people who are truly perfect in health (from the internal aspects of the body to the ability to adapt in all situations).
Noi Gia Wing Chun boxing blends the nourishing and fighting qualities together deeply (2 in 1).
In this article, I do not discuss the operation of the nourishing mechanism in the Wing Chun Noi Gia martial arts system, but just want to highlight an aspect that is very good for human health in Noi Gia Vinh Xuan martial arts.
Those who practice Wing Chun in general, and Internal Wing Chun in particular, will always achieve both aspects - health care and self-defense -
A few words to share with you about the health benefits in Noi Gia Wing Chun martial arts.
Hanoi, December 24, 2005
Head Master - Head Master of VNVXNGQ Martial Arts School
Martial arts master - Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
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