About the book "Journey to the East"

Recently, a student of our master at Dai Nghia VXNG dojo - Poland visited the website: www.thienlybuutoa.org and read the book "Journey to the East".
Journey to the East
(Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East)
Author: Baird T. Spalding
Translator: Nguyen Phong
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Chapter 1: A strange Indian
In today's hustle and bustle of life, many people have lost faith.
India is a land of many religions.
However, after two years of traveling throughout India from Bombay to Calcutta, visiting hundreds of temples, and interacting with thousands of famous priests and monks, the delegation was still not satisfied or learned anything new.
Disappointed that the tour did not bring the desired results, Professor Spalding wandered alone in Benares.
- The masters do not reside in splendid temples, they do not print business cards with great and important titles and positions.
Professor Spalding was surprised:
- Why do you know so clearly?
The Indian smiled:
- You discussed among yourself that at the end of this month, if nothing new is collected, the delegation will return to Europe and conclude that Asia has nothing worth learning.
Professor Spalding lost his temper:
- But why do you know these things?
The Indian smiled secretly and leisurely emphasized:
- Dear friend, thoughts have a telepathic power that transcends time and space.
The incident of the Indian standing in the middle of the Benares market mentioning a verse in the Bible made Professor Spalding ecstatic as if he had just woken up drunk.
He stammered:
- But how do we know where to find you?
The Indian sternly replied:
- Go to Rishikesh, a town covered by the Himalayas, you will meet monks completely different from those you have met before.
The Indian was silent for a moment and looked straight at Professor Spalding:
- But if you want to go further, to find the Rishi, it will take you a lot more time...
Professor Spalding wondered:
- You just used the word Master, so what is the difference between a Master (Rishi) and a Taoist (Yogi)?
- If you believe in Darwin's theory of evolution, then I would summarize: "The evolution of the soul goes hand in hand with the body.
- So can true masters perform miracles?
The Indian smiled slightly and shook his head:
- Certainly, but magical powers are not the ultimate goal of the path.
Professor Spalding argued:
- But Jesus once performed miracles.
The Indian laughed and replied:
- Dear friend, do you think Jesus did that for the purpose of showing off?
Once again, this strange Indian talks about a religious leader that almost every Westerner knows.
- So why don't the Masters appear to teach the masses?
Serious Indians:
- Do you think they will declare to people who they are?
If Buddha or "Christ" appeared and declared dogmas, would you believe it?
- But...but what benefit does living in seclusion like that benefit the world?
The Indian smiled:
- Because we don't know them well, the world cannot judge them properly.
Professor Spalding thought and asked:
- Just now you said that there was a true master who asked you to deliver a message to us.
- Dear friend, it all depends on Destiny. When the destiny is right, you will meet them.
Having finished speaking, the Indian bowed and disappeared in the crowded, noisy crowd of Benares city market.
