About the trip to Poland in November and December 2011

On November 16, 2011, I went to Poland again to continue teaching Wing Chun Noi Kung Fu in the country.

During one month in Poland, from November 16, 2011 to December 16, 2011, our teachers and students diligently taught and practiced.
Although the brothers in Poland are extremely busy with daily work and family responsibilities, during this time, with the support of their families, especially the support of their wives, they

During my days in Poland, I also went to report to Ambassador Nguyen Hoang, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Poland about the results of the dojo's activities in the Republic of Poland.

On December 3, 2011, as President - Head of the Polish Asian Martial Arts and Combat Sports Federation, and at the same time as the head of a member organization of the Federation, I
A few days before returning to Vietnam, our teachers and students also went to the office of the Polish Ministry of Sports to meet with Mr. Mieczysta Michael Bioszewski, Assistant Minister of Sports of Poland, to discuss a number of matters related to martial arts and present

On the morning of December 17, 2011, I returned to Vietnam with the happiness of having sincere and dedicated students like my brothers in Poland, and at the same time very happy for a new era, a new horizon.
I would like to sincerely share my joy and happiness with everyone who loves Wing Chun, and loves the Vietnamese martial arts school Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen of our teachers and students.
Hanoi on December 22, 2011
Head of the martial arts school - head martial artist
Martial arts master - engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
Head of the martial arts school - head martial artist
Martial arts master - engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
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