Dear friends who love the dojo's website

January 10, 2015
Admin Vietnam Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen Dojo
Our ancestors have left us 27 secrets, which are really very useful
By: Sui Thi
Do you know your ancestors?
1. Don't wash your hair when you're full, don't shower when you're hungry.
2, Eat rice with husk, foods with fiber.
3. Nurturing life is movement, nurturing the mind is tranquility.
4. Medicine nourishes food, don't forget to nourish the mind.
5. Rotten fish and rotten shrimp, taking the life of a family unjustly.
6, Eat more vegetables and fruits, less meat.
7. Nurturing life is diligence, nurturing the mind is tranquility.
8. When people reach old age, they must exercise, walk slowly, practice sword dancing;
9. When you hear the rooster crowing, don't try to lie down any longer, plant flowers to feed the birds, read books and recite poetry;
10, Don't be greedy about food, eat little at dinner, don't talk when eating, don't smoke;
11, Three meals a day, appropriate food, green vegetables and fruits, eat a lot without fear;
12. Drink alcohol in moderation, don't be greedy for fame and fortune, don't get angry about ordinary things, and have a broad heart.
13, The mind is not sick, so take precautions, have a good mind and a healthy body;
14, Train your body, move with stillness, live a harmonious life, and have a healthy mind;
15. People who are angry and easily get old and weak, express themselves appropriately when they are happy;
16, Use your mind, not tired, less worried, less busy mind;
17. Exercise your hands, good for the brain, prevent colds and flu.
18, Summer does not sleep on rocks, autumn does not sleep on counters.
19. Wash your feet at night, rather than taking tonic.
20. Go to bed early and get up early, your spirit will be refreshed, you will be greedy for sleep, and you will get sick and shorten your life.
21. Eating a pig's head a day is better than snoring in bed.
22. Eating a goat for three days is not as good as washing your feet before going to bed.
23, If you choose the wrong pillow, the more you sleep, the more tired you become.
24, Head facing the wind, warm and comfortable, feet facing the wind, invite a healer.
25, Do not sleep in alleys, especially when the wind is blowing.
26, Go to bed without lighting, wake up without dizziness.
27. If you want to sleep, your body will be relaxed, your feet should not be facing west, your head should not be facing east
Sourced from the GREAT ERA website
