Discuss more about studying at Vinh Xuan Noi Gia dojo

Recently, a friend wrote to my teacher - Academician Nguyen Ngoc Noi - asking:

If you have learned Wing Chun elsewhere, you may want to study at the Master's dojo
I think that this issue is also of interest and understanding to some of you, so with the master's permission, we would like to quote our master's reply for your reference:
First of all, I believe what you write.
... You have studied Wing Chun, and you must have heard your teacher talk about the differences in teaching between Wing Chun dojos in Hanoi.
Nguyen Ngoc Noi"
It should be added that my teacher has had similar cases, both in the past and now, when some brothers who have studied martial arts from other disciplines and sects came to ask to study, and if they knew who they were.
In recent years, we have also received many letters from people in Australia (Australia), Czech Republic, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Poland, Germany, England, and provinces and cities in Vietnam (especially Vietnamese martial arts master
We hope that the masters will meet the wishes of those who love Wing Chun to study.
Sincerely thank.
Hanoi October 28, 2006
Martial arts master - Engineer Tran Thanh Ngoc
