Introducing the new interface of the Vinh Xuan Noi Gia dojo website homepage

(On the occasion of the death anniversary of Master Nguyen Te Cong in the year of Canh Dan)
Dear friends of VXNG Dojo and our website,
The 18th day of the fifth lunar month is an extremely important day for Vietnamese Wing Chun disciples.
On May 18, Giap Than year (July 5, 2004), the Vinh Xuan Noi Gia website was officially launched.
During the past 5-6 years, VXNG dojo (as well as its website) has received a lot of encouragement, trust, support, help and love from everyone.
We teachers and students look forward to continuing to receive encouragement, support, trust, love and help from everyone.
We teachers and students sincerely wish the Patriarchs of the Wing Chun sect, Master Nguyen Te Cong and the other masters in the Wing Chun sect to always be cool in the nine springs.
Once again, our teachers and students would like to sincerely thank and be grateful to everyone.
We are pleased to introduce to youNew home page interface
May 18, year of the Tiger
(ie June 29, 2010)
Vietnamese Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen Dojo
