Nutrition in Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen - Part 1
(Article published in 'New World' Magazine No. 698 dated August 14, 2006)
For thousands of years, humans, in their existence, in addition to self-improvement on the basis of existing human abilities, have also focused on observing life in nature to learn about it.
About the deep roots of nutrition
Conclusions about some animal abilities such as "dogs with skin, chickens with bones", the ability to "hibernate", the ability to find plants that can cure diseases... have inspired people to explore
In fact, there are many methods that humans have found during the development process.
So we can see that the nourishing aspect (health enhancement, health recovery, healing...) in martial arts is very high, followed by the fighting aspect (self-defense ability).
Nutritional properties in Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen
Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen is a martial art originating from Shaolin, thus also inheriting profound Buddhist qualities in the nature of its boxing system.
Born in time,Doctor Nguyen Khac Vien
In this article, I do not discuss the nature of the operation of the nourishment mechanism in the Internal Wing Chun martial arts system (this is an issue that requires the participation of scientists) but just want to
words of doctor Pham Xuan Nhan, former boxing champion, who has directly demonstrated the superior kung fu of the Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen style, spoke at the opening ceremony of the Vietnamese martial arts school Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen: “The kung fu of this discipline is very
Martial arts master - Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
See more:Part II of the article
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