Nutrition in Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen - Part 2

(Article published in 'New World' Magazine No. 699 dated August 21, 2006)

[ReviewPart I]

Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen is a Noi Gia - Soft Fist discipline, taking AIR (BREATHING) as the key, taking SOFT LIQUID as the basic requirement in practice.

Breathing exercises:

There are many methods of breathing exercises.

First of all, you must choose (must have) a suitable posture.

Breathing practice method

Inhale gently through your nose, then send the air straight down the lower abdomen to Dan Dien (the point inside the lower abdomen and about 2 cm below the navel).

The important point in the breathing exercise process is: the two breaths (inhalation - exhalation) are equal (have equal inhalation and exhalation time).

Soft exercise:

During the process of performing the movements, you must not strain or tense your body, but must still relax your body.

Below are some basic exercise movements.

1. Standing position: In Wing Chun, this position is called the "Nhi tu ky yang" position.

2. Movement 1: Standing in the second position to restrain yang, open both hands and gradually bring them up to the chest.

3. Movement 2: Standing in the second position to restrain yang.

4. Movement 3: Move like movement 2, but do not open your hands but still hold fists.

5. Movement 4: Standing in the second position to restrain yang.

6. Movement 5: Move like movement 4, but do not open your hands, but still hold the power with both hands.

7. Movement 6: Standing in the second position to restrain yang.

8. Movement 7: Move as above, but do not hold the waist with both hands but let them go straight, letting them hang freely as the body twists.

9. Movement 8: Standing in the second position to restrain yang.

Above are some basic training movements in the Vinh Xuan Noi Gia martial arts system that have very good nourishing effects. We hope to help you learn and practice to improve your health and that of others.

Martial arts master - Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi

[ReviewPart I]
