Overview of Buddhist Wing Chun and Vietnamese Wing Chun
Wing Chun (or Wing Chun) is a martial arts sect that was formed about 300 years ago (during the reign of King Kangxi, 1662 - 1722).
Wing Chun (or Wing Chun) is a martial arts sect with special exercises and techniques. For many years (since its inception), it has stood shoulder to shoulder with famous sects in martial arts, and has disciples who have made a name for themselves.
According to our understanding, the history of the Wing Chun sect (or Wing Chun) can be viewed in a general way as follows:
All martial arts styles are gradually improved over time and through generations.
Wing Chun is a close combat martial art.
Due to different reasons and different circumstances, the masters moved to many places.
After 1954, in the South, the Master continued to teach a number of former students from the North who followed the Master to the South such as Mr. Nguyen Duy Hai (aka Ho Hai Long), professor of architecture university Do Ba Vinh,
After 1954 (in the North) and after Master Nguyen Te Cong passed away (in 1959), the Master's students (both in the South and in the North) took turns opening classes to teach Wing Chun.
During the years that the late Master Tran Thuc Tien taught Wing Chun, he also performed Wing Chun techniques in a number of places such as the Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences, Foreign Literature Publishing House... and in years The latest revelation of the 'hermit' of the Vietnamese martial arts industry: The reincarnated person')
In Vietnam, from the Master up to now, the fourth generation has been taught to become a teacher (qualified to teach Wing Chun).
Master Nguyen Ngoc Noi
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