Remembering the teacher, thinking about the relationship between teacher and student, brotherhood

Another year is about to pass, and in a flash I have been without my master for 31 years.
Now I still vividly remember the last years with my master, but at that time I did not think those were the last years with him. VS Nguyễn Ngọc Nội đưa Sư phụ về nơi an nghỉ tại nghĩa trang Văn ĐiểnSo my master was not warm enough. The cold made him relapse and he had to go to the emergency room.
Those last images have been imprinted on me for decades, never fading.
The more I think about it, the more I see how profound it was that the ancients called the masters MASTER.
Master's gratitude to me is so great that it is immeasurable.
Remembering my teacher, thinking about the teachings of teachers and students, thinking about brotherhood, in these times, I sometimes feel sad.
During a discussion with one of my brothers (before that, a number of other brothers, even outside our branch, asked me) when reading what I wrote in the article "Some more discussions about "luck" in practice", my brothers gave me very sincere comments and suggestions: "You trust people too much, to the point of not looking deeply into people.
I think that if the knowledge I teach is "stolen" in such a way and then passes to those people, it will no longer be Wing Chun.
Wing Chun, from the boxing system to the principles, secrets, and training experiences, is all logically and closely unified with its moral foundation.
My brother also advised me: "People who can betray even the teachers who dedicatedly opened their hearts and helped them change their lives, Heaven and Earth will not forgive them, and neither will the people of the past and future.
One of my students also emailed me some very kind words, which they found online: “Life is too short, so don't waste it in anger, hating others, or feeling sorry for others.
What makes me ponder is that, in today's times, when everything is easily turned into a product for sale or exchange, real - fake, white - black are all released.
If I looked at people more deeply and evaluated things more closely, I probably wouldn't have sad things to always blame myself for.
I hope that my current students will also stay away from the path of immorality and immorality.
On January 8, 2011, our dojo held an eventmeeting at the end of the Year of the Tiger, some of my sincere former students came to the dojo to share in the joy and happiness that my dojo and I have had in the past year.
I leave behind the bad things of the past, to receive the good things that lie ahead for me and our Vietnamese Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen dojo.
Lighting the incense stick to pay my respects to my master, I felt extremely happy that my master led me on the path that Master Nguyen Te Cong had outlined for his descendants.
My students and I will do our best to not betray everyone's trust and love for our teachers and students, and our Vietnamese Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen dojo.
On the occasion of preparing to end the year of the Tiger and welcome the year of the Cat, I sincerely wish everyone good health, peace, happiness and prosperity.
May the Wing Chun sect last forever, worthy of the trust and love of everyone in the world.
The last days of Canh Dan year 2010
Martial arts master - engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
