Sincere thanks to those who love the website of Vietnamese dojo Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen

After more than 8 years, since the website of the Vietnamese dojo Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen was officially posted online, on July 5, 2004, the dojo's website has received extremely valuable love.
To help access and find information about the dojo through the dojo's website quickly and conveniently, we recently upgraded, structured and reorganized the dojo's website.
Today, our teachers and students would like to introduce the dojo's website after upgrading its structure and reorganizing its information.
Once again, we teachers and students would like to express our sincere thanks and happiness to receive everyone's extremely valuable feelings for our teachers and students as well as for our dojo and website.
We sincerely wish everyone and their families good health, happiness and prosperity.
Hanoi August 12, 2012
Admin of VNVXNGQ dojo
