The death anniversary ceremony of Nham Thin year - 2012 at Vinh Xuan Noi Gia dojo

July 6, 2012 is May 18, Nham Thin year, the main death anniversary of Master Nguyen Te Cong, Master of Vinh Xuan Vietnam.
Like every year, in the morning (the day of the Master's death anniversary, the 18th day of the 5th lunar month), representatives of the Executive Board, the Training Board and representatives of classes at Hong Phuc Dojo, Thanh Quan Dojo and Xuan Thuy Dojo
In the afternoon, on the same day (July 6, 2012, or May 18, Nham Thin year), at exactly 6:30 p.m., the Death Anniversary Ceremony of our Vietnamese Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen Martial Arts School was held very solemnly.
Attending the Dojo's Ancestor Commemoration Ceremony, in addition to our teachers and students at all three Dojos: Hong Phuc Dojo, Thanh Quan Dojo and Xuan Thuy Dojo, there was also Mr. Nguyen The Truong, scientist, No. 1 Yoga practitioner. This is an opportunity for everyone to express their gratitude to the Master and is also an opportunity for brothers and sisters in the dojo to know each other, exchange with each other, understand each other, and increase the closeness, friendliness, and harmony in a family.
After a detailed introduction of the participants, the entire martial arts hall stood up towards the statue of the Master, together remembering the Master.
“Dear Master Nguyen Te Cong:
Today, all of his descendants in the Vinh Xuan Noi Gia dojo through the ages have gathered here to express their deepest gratitude to him.
We, Wing Chun disciples, through months of practice and diligence, realize more and more the immense value of the martial art that our Master has left us.
We really need your guidance and guidance, to lift us up and give us strength.
After a few minutes, the whole dojo solemnly remembered and turned to the Master, I spoke about the steps of the dojo in the past year, since the death anniversary of the New Mao year - June 19, 2011.
During the process of being with Master Tran Thuc Tien, especially in 1979, when I was the only student at Master's side, I was told stories about Master, including one story.
And then, as people often say: "When the mind emerges, Buddha knows", Heaven and Earth understood my sincerity and dedication, loved me, and guided me in a conversation with Master Dinh.
Right from the moment I formed the intention of establishing a martial arts school, I had in mind that I would take this day, the anniversary of the Master's death, as the martial arts school's death anniversary.
Looking back on the past year, what has happened to our dojo, I and some brothers and sisters on the Executive Board wrote an article and posted it on the dojo's website.
From the ceremonies in the land of Dia Linh and Nhan Kiet: Kiep Bac - Con Son;
The dedicated and sincere work of our teachers and students are sincere offerings to the sect's Patriarchs, Master Nguyen Te Cong and Master Tran Thuc Tien, expressing the deep gratitude of teachers and students.
Besides the sincere and dedicated work of our teachers and students, there are also things that have not been done that I also mentioned on the Anniversary.
Also speaking of this, I also affirm to the brothers and sisters in the dojo that: I have not changed the method or training program that I have implemented since my master passed away (in 1980) nor The dojo's criteria are "HEALTH, SPIRIT AND INTELLIGENCE"
Another issue I also mentioned is about training.
With strong faith in the Patriarch and Master, I always pray for the Patriarchs of the sect, Master Nguyen Te Cong, and Master Tran Thuc Tien to bless the Wing Chun sect and the Vietnamese martial arts school Vinh Xuan Noi Gia.
Also in this great ceremony, based on the results of practice and training of a number of brothers and sisters at Hong Phuc Dojo, I also conferred the title of Level 2 Instructor on four brothers and sisters.
In his speech in front of the dojo, along with praising the dojo's developments over the past year, Mr. Nguyen The Truong told everyone at the dojo about a memory when Mr. The Truong taught nutrition to the late General Secretary.
After the solemn, solemn and profound ceremony at the hall, our teachers and students along with Mr. The Truong returned to Thanh Quan dojo to celebrate the big day of the dojo - the Anniversary of the Anniversary of the Year of the Dragon - 2012.
In Poland, on the afternoon of the same day (July 6, 2012), after training, a large number of brothers at Dai Nghia dojo also celebrated the Ancestor's Anniversary at the dojo.
Surely Master Nguyen Te Cong under the Golden Stream also felt warmed by the sincerity and deep gratitude of our teachers and students in both Vietnam and Poland.
The next day, July 7, 2012,I and three of my students, master Nguyen Ngoc Tien, master Kieu Ngoc Diep, and level 1 instructor Vu Manh Thang, on behalf of the martial arts school, flew to Ho Chi Minh City to pay their respects at the altar.
On this important day of the Vietnamese martial arts school Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen, I and the students in the entire martial arts school would like to once again express our sincere gratitude and infinite gratitude to Master Nguyen Te Cong,
We teachers and students would like to share the great happiness on the martial arts hall's important day, the day of the death anniversary of Master Nguyen Te Cong, with everyone who loves Wing Chun, loves the Vietnamese martial arts school Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen of
Hanoi July 11, 2011
Martial arts master - engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
