The middle way in practice: Some discussions
As you know, in martial arts (as well as in some other fields), in order to pass down the quintessence, basics, and core things that we have discovered and experienced, our predecessors often bring
With some of my own experience and permission from my master, I would also like to share about the "middle path" and some related things, first with the brothers and sisters in the dojo, and then
In fact, when teaching us, as well as to our brothers and sisters in the dojo, my master rarely talked about the secrets in particular, but often explained those secrets through moves, associated with the exercises.
The middle line is the middle line, located along the body from the top of the head down to the lower body, like the symmetrical axis of the body.
In the early stages, students who are still stiff may have certain difficulties when trying to close their hands to hold the middle, follow the soft form of the attack, etc.
The practice process is of course a gradual process, a process of subtle interaction between "awareness and understanding" with "performance skills", and even a seemingly simple key like "the middle way" is also difficult.
So it can be seen that, in the initial period, besides the initial basic training mottos such as "softness", "discipline", "accuracy", students also need to pay close attention to the motto "
To understand more deeply and explain more clearly the essentials of the subject, we coaches ourselves certainly have to strive a lot.
Hanoi, August 20, 2006
Nguyen Cuong, coach
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