The solemn and deeply meaningful ceremony of the Asian Martial Arts and Combat Sports Federation - Poland
On May 29, 2011, at the SCANDIC WROCŁAW hotel hall located in the center of Wrocław city - Poland, 335km from Warsaw, the Polish Federation of Asian Martial Arts and Combat Sports held a grand ceremony. the contents of Mr. Truong Anh Tuan, Head of Dai Nghia Dojo added to the program. very rich, vivid, concise, methodical, and most attractive. In a very short performance time, many elaborate contents of the sect were demonstrated.
Right after l
During the flag salute, all members of the Federation attending the Great Ceremony heard a letter from the President of the Republic of Poland congratulating the Federation's ceremony and affirming the support of the Polish state for
During the ceremony, Chairman of Martial Arts Master - Master Ryszard Murat, awarded DAN certificates at all levels of the Federation to masters who passed the exams recently, and awarded honorary gold plaques to individuals in different sects.
The leader of the sects and dojos has made outstanding contributions to the Federation's operations.
Gold was given to the heads of sects and dojos, of which I was honored to receive a gold plaque.

Having these great happiness, I feel even more grateful to Master Nguyen Te Cong for passing on the extremely valuable Wing Chun techniques to the Vietnamese people, including my master, the late martial artist.
I would like to share the happiness of our teachers and students, of our Vietnamese Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen dojo with those who love Wing Chun, with those who love the Vietnamese Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen dojo
Warsaw, Poland May 30, 2011
Chairman - Clan leader and vice president of the Federation
Head Master, Head of VN VXNGQ Martial Arts School
Martial arts master - engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi 10DAN
Chairman - Clan leader and vice president of the Federation
Head Master, Head of VN VXNGQ Martial Arts School
Martial arts master - engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi 10DAN
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