Vietnamese Wing Chun - Past and present secrets
About the name: Wing Chun or Wing Chun
In recent times, there have been a number of articles about the subject
Our teacher - the late master Tran Thuc Tien - when teaching us, told us a brief history of the sect (These are things he was passed down from Vietnamese Wing Chun master Nguyen Te Cong):
Wing Chun exercises and a few things to know
Wing Chun is a martial art that requires very elaborate training (it can be said that it is great practice), while the number of exercises is not much.
In addition to the above exercises, Wing Chun also has a number of special training methods according to the sect's own principles.
To practice Wing Chun, practitioners need to have a very high belief, mindset, perseverance, and diligence.
Wing Chun in Vietnam
At the end of 1939, Mr. Te Cong went to Vietnam to seek refuge.
In Vietnam, from the Master up to now, the fourth generation has been taught to become a teacher (qualified to teach Wing Chun).
Martial arts is one of the quintessence produced by humanity.
[Posted in Today Magazine, No. 23 (December 2003), Mouthpiece of the Vietnam UNESCO Club Association]
Master Nguyen Ngoc Noi
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