Vietnamese Wing Chun - Thoughts

As if by chance, Today magazine has many articles about the Wing Chun sect from different angles, from people inside the sect and from people outside the sect. Nowadays
Among Tet At Dau (No. 2 3 4, from January 15 - February 30, 2005)NowadaysNguyen Giang. Nowadays
About the name and historysect
I think it's time to stop arguing about names.
Up to now, we basically do not have authentic documents about the sect's history, but most of them are legends.
Even the naming of the order of generations is not unified.
Currently, Vinh Xuan Vietnam, as far as I know, has branches:
  • In Hanoi there are
  • In Hai Duong, there is a branch of the late master Vu Ba Quy.
  • In Ho Chi Minh City, there is a branch of master Nam Anh (master Nam Anh said he learned Wing Chun from the late master Ho Hai Long, a student of
These branches have also been developing, forming the next generation of teachers and learners.
About the Boxing System
Through research and study, I know that currently there are basically the following main martial arts systems:
  • In China and Hong Kong: the Wing Chun martial arts system has the martial art forms Tieu Niem Tau, Tam Kieu, Tieu Chi, Moc Nhan Thung and 2 weapon exercises (Luc Diem Ban Kun and Bat Tram Dao).
  • In Vietnam, there are boxing systems as follows:
Martial Arts StarNo.
Above is the basic boxing system of some Vietnamese Wing Chun branches.
Thus we see there are (partial) differences between Wing Chun martial arts systems.
About the development of the boxing system
All products, especially intellectual products, are constantly being improved.
Through research, I found that Wing Chun was basically perfected through the masters in Hong Thuyen. "100 years later: Current status and potential problems":Creativity, especially in martial arts, if not from the contemplation and enthusiasm of a martial arts master who has reached a certain profound level, can sometimes even be harmful.". I want to add what I think is the biggest harm, which is gradually losing the essence of the martial arts of the sect, making people no longer see the quintessence of martial arts of the Wing Chun sect.
In today's reality, I believe that the essence of Wing Chun martial arts will not fade away.
Instead of a conclusion
Some people worry about having "heroic" battles within the sect to confirm the superiority between one branch and another. I think this is a worry that goes too far.
Spring At Dau, February 20, 2005
(Published in Today Magazine No. 13/2005, July 1-15, 2005 with the title "Seductive Wing Chun" by the editor)
