10 principles of nutrition of the ancients that need to be "head of the bed"

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April 27, 2016
Admin VNVXNGQ Dojo
10 principles of nutrition of the ancients
need to 'head to bed'
Although our bodies are constantly changing and our living conditions are constantly changing, the principles of nourishment of the ancients are always constant.
10 principles of nutrition of the ancients that need to be "head of the bed"
1. Sleep is the most important factor
In the 100 principles of Chinese nutrition, quality sleep is at the top of the list.
In particular, if you lose sleep during the hour of the Rat (11pm - 3am), your kidneys will be damaged.
It doesn't stop there, if you have restless thoughts before going to bed, don't toss and turn to avoid wasting your mind and energy.
2. The six internal organs are related to the "seven feelings and six desires"
The Chinese have a saying "too much anger hurts the liver, too much lust hurts the kidneys, too much food hurts the spleen. Worrying hurts the spleen, anger hurts the liver, laziness hurts the spirit."
Meaning: Anger damages the liver, indulgence damages the kidneys, eating too much damages the spleen, worry damages the spleen, sadness damages the liver, and affliction damages the spirit.
Regarding the relationship of "seven loves and six desires" to health, the "Emperor's Internal Classic" also clearly pointed out early on: "Wrath (anger) hurts the liver, joy (excessive joy) hurts the heart, sorrow (sadness)
Thus, it cannot be denied that emotions have a significant impact on internal organs in particular and health in general.
3. "Qi feeds blood, blood nourishes qi"
This is a viewpoint that affirms the relationship between energy and blood.
Normal people will lose blood when they look for a long time, lying down for a long time hurts their qi, sitting for a long time damages their flesh, standing for a long time damages their bones, walking for a long time damages their tendons, excessive love and lust will damage their vital energy, harm their heart and kidneys.
Blood circulation and balance are important factors to ensure during the nourishment process.
Taoists believe that human qi and blood are also a pair of yin and yang categories, in which blood plays the role of yin and qi plays the role of yang.
Lack of air will cause disease to accumulate, making it susceptible to clogged arteries and cancer.
4. Excessive mental work, illness affects the body
A congested heart will not receive hot liver energy, which means liver energy will accumulate.
Not to mention the fact that wood overcomes water, the kidneys are in the water system, and if the liver accumulates energy, it will cause the kidneys to weaken due to the prosperity of fire.
Because the six organs and five internal organs are all related, an abnormal part will create many unpredictable consequences.
5. Dynamic creates positive, static creates negative
This is the yin and yang principle of the "I Ching" drawn from ancient Chinese people.
"Movement" (movement) is the foundation of the body, diligent training will help increase vitality and improve work performance.
Movement and stillness are two indispensable elements in the nutrition process.
Accordingly, we should not seek ways to nourish the kidneys and strengthen the penis every day.
6. Although it is necessary to supplement energy, do not be blind!
People in the stage of lack of energy should not blindly use all methods to replenish energy, otherwise it will do more harm than good.
Since ancient times, ancient people have paid great attention to remedies that have the effect of nourishing qi.
If you fall into a state of lack of energy due to anemia, the first thing to do is replenish your blood, because blood is considered the "mother" of energy.
7. The importance of the environment for nutrition
It cannot be denied that environmental factors have a significant influence on the nursing process.
Because deep forests and mountains often have air containing anions (negative ions).
Besides, there is also an important point that few of us know clearly: the human body not only breathes through the nose and mouth but also through the pores.
8. "Following nature" is the ultimate realm
When a person appears in the world, their fate is arranged by fate.
People with "enlightenment" will quickly predict their destiny and clearly understand what to do and what to avoid.
Achieving the realm of "following nature", people can always be safe and sound, even living for hundreds of years.
That's also the reason why nursing isn't simply about imitation and doing whatever you want.
So, how do you know if you are "following nature" or not?
9. Illness comes from the mind
Thinking and illness are closely related.
These diseases cannot be cured even with medication.
10. The five elements create mutual interference
More than 2 millennia ago, ancient Chinese discovered the theory of the Five Elements with the characteristics of mutual generation and mutual inhibition.
Also according to Oriental Medicine, the compatibility and interaction of the Five Elements will ensure energy circulation, nourishment and maintenance of the normal function of the viscera.
The six internal organs are also classified into the categories of the Five Elements and are subject to the law of mutual generation and mutual inhibition.
The organs in the body depend on each other, an infected part will cause the whole body to become sick.
On the contrary, the cycle of incompatibility is the mutual inhibition of the viscera.
Therefore, for all diseases related to the five organs, we can treat them based on the mutuality and interaction of the five elements.
*According to SecretChina
According to Tri Thuc Tre
