Disciples at Vietnam Dojo wish Master a happy birthday

So in just a little bit more, I reached the middle stage of 70 - 80. So fast!

Today, the Dojo combines a day off (Sunday) to celebrate me reaching a new milestone in my life and also the day I prepare to move to my second homeland.

Honestly, I don't want to think about what milestone I've reached in life. At this time, when I see the sunlight in the morning and I still feel healthy, it is truly a thank you to God, Buddha, Holy Spirit, Patriarchs and Ancestors. I strongly believe that fate cannot overcome everything.

Today I'm happy, I'm happy, but I also feel like I'm about to hang up my sword and look at life.

It's true that I'm in the mood, right guys?!

Let me share some pictures of our teachers and students this evening.


10:10 p.m. October 15, 2023

Master Nguyen Ngoc Noi
