A few thoughts after the trip to Poland at the end of 2023

After nearly 2 and a half months of living in family love, in deep attachment to students with deep love, in close relationships with familiar people in the Vietnamese community and other people. Poland, in my beloved Poland, I returned home to Vietnam at nearly 4:00 p.m. (Vietnam time) on January 2, 2024.

The deep affection for loved ones in many aspects of life in Poland has grown thicker and thicker in my life. Remember the old folk song:

“When it rains, there is plenty of water.

The more I travel, the more I love you."

I find it true to my life.

In the field of teaching Internal Wing Chun, with the results that my beloved students in Poland have achieved in the 16 years that Internal Wing Chun has been present in the beloved country of Poland, it has brought to I am increasingly filled with great happiness in my position as a teacher.

I am very proud in many areas of my dear and devoted students who have stuck with me throughout the 43 years of teaching Noi Gia Wing Chun, especially in the past 18 years since the Vietnam Dojo opened. Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen was born in Vietnam and 16 years ago Dai Nghia Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Dojo was born in Poland. Since the website www.wingchun.com.vn of Vietnamese Wing Chun Noi Quyen Dojo was launched on July 5, 2004, which is May 18, Giap Than year (the main day of the death anniversary of Master Nguyen Te Cong) and from the website My personal Facebook (Nguyen Ngoc Noi) was launched on June 16, 2015, the 1st day of May, the year of At Mui. I have regularly shared the activities of the Vietnamese Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen Dojo right from the beginning. The beginning of the formation of the intention to officially launch the activities of Vinh Xuan Noi Gia in Vietnam and in Poland as well as many individual activities related to the activities of the Dojo.

I am extremely happy to have been able to walk the path of Vinh Xuan Noi Gia that Master Nguyen Te Cong outlined and my master Tran Thuc Tien led me on.

In the happiness after returning to Vietnam from Poland this time, I would like to share the happiness when looking back at the Vinh Xuan Noi Gia path I have walked for nearly 50 years..

I sincerely express my profound gratitude for the blessings of God, Buddha, the Holy Spirit, Patriarchs in the sect, Master Nguyen Te Cong, Master Tran Thuc Tien and my Ancestors on my path. Wing Chun Noi Gia I have been, am and will forever follow.

I sincerely thank my wife and my extended family, the brothers in my master's previous practice class, and the students with deep gratitude in Vietnam and Poland since I officially taught Wing Chun. Noi Gia from May 1980 to present, loved ones and acquaintances in life, in life and on Facebook, Board of Directors of Thanh Quan Secondary School through the periods from 2005 to present, Boards of Management of dormitories 16A Ly Nam De, through the periods from 2009 to now, has helped, cared, encouraged, and sympathized with me on the path of Vinh Xuan Noi Gia.

Just as the ancients taught: all TRUE things in life must have "Yin PHU, YANG TRUI" to be able to be completely successful.

In my happiness after returning to Vietnam yesterday, I would like to share my happiness with everyone.

Today, January 3, 2024, still in the first days of the new year 2024, once again, I sincerely wish everyone and every home to welcome the new year 2024 always healthy, peaceful, prosperous, complete success and happiness.

Sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone.

Hanoi on January 3, 2024

Head Master of VN VXNGQ Dojo

Nguyen Ngoc Noi
