A few words about Gong practice in Noi Gia Wing Chun and its relationship with Zen

In recent days, I have received very sincere exchanges from several acquaintances. I am very grateful for these sincere exchanges.
During the last two times the Dojo recruited new classes according to the wishes of some people, the result was that the number of people actually practicing was very small. Some people even came to practice for one session and then asked to leave because they found it "difficult to practice".
According to my practice related to Zen since the early years of the 70s, when I started practicing MEDITATION YOGA - RAJA YOGA, Zen practice must go through three steps: BODY CONDITION (practice sitting properly and firmly).
MEDITATION, if understood simply, is a method of concentrating the mind and thoughts.
As many people know: in practicing boxing there is TRAINING FUN
Due to the discipline, there are many things I cannot explain, I can only share like this.
On the occasion of the upcoming Full Moon Day of Buddha's Birthday in April of the Year of the Tiger, which is May 15, 2022, I sincerely pray that the World will soon be at peace in all aspects;
Sincere thanks and gratitude for everyone's concern.
Hanoi on May 4, 2022
Master Nguyen Ngoc Noi
