A story - an extremely profound lesson in life

Over the years, I think most of our generations have known a very famous classic work by Author Ngo Thua An in Chinese literature, which is Journey to the West.
This classic novel recounts the extremely arduous, strenuous, thorny and dangerous process of monk Xuanzang (Duong Tam Tang) and his three disciples: Sun Wukong, Pigsy (Pig).
Every journey that goes by, every story that happens along the way, are great lessons for recognizing all aspects of life, for understanding how to behave in life and overcoming it all.
Among the stories narrated in that novel, there is one that I think of as a very profound lesson in "enlightenment" on the path of DAO, and more recently on the path of martial arts.
The story is like that, but I think inside it contains extremely profound teachings and principles in teaching and learning "religion".
In the transmission of kung fu (simply put, knowledge in the field of transmission) - I would like to call it "the way" - from the above story, we have seen that from very ancient times there were teachings When he learned that Sun Wukong spontaneously performed the magic he had learned for his fellow students to see, In addition to the discipline and also to protect his student (Sun Wukong), Master Bodhi forced Sun Wukong to leave his place of practice immediately.
The above teachings and principles have been expressed not only through many literary works over the ages, but also in reality partly reflect the same.
I think of the image of Master Nguyen Te Cong when imparting the advanced martial arts of this sect to my master, the late master Tran Thuc Tien, also forcing my master to practice separately (one teacher, one student) upstairs.
In learning "the way" in general and in learning knowledge and kung fu in particular, the "realization" of the profound nature contained within the "content" learned by the student is also an issue.
In spreading the "religion", there are so many profound hidden meanings contained in the expressed content that are not easy to perceive.
For thousands of years, for countless generations, the word "enlightenment" has always been a word that contains many profound things that cannot be replaced by any other word.
The stories of the ancients passed down orally through generations, through immortal literary works, always contain extremely profound lessons for people.
On the occasion of the early spring days of Quy Ty - 2013, I take the liberty to write down my thoughts about a story in the immortal literary work TAY TO THE WEST.
I sincerely wish my fellow martial arts brothers, brothers in the martial arts world, everyone who loves martial arts, who loves the Vietnamese martial arts school Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen of our teachers and students and their families a Happy New Year of the Snake.
Thank you everyone for your interest in my article.
Hanoi, Tet days, early spring Quy Ty - 2013
Martial arts master - engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
