About the article Wing Chun, an internal martial art of an Australian master

After I shared an article I liked under the title “Good article about the martial art Wing Chun” I read on the website: thethaohcm.com.vn, in which I mentioned that I did not know the name of the author of the article. Internal Wing Chun Kung Fu, okay roughly translated as "Wing Chun Martial Arts Noi Gia", occupied by martial arts master Phillip Warburton Sydney, Australia. web http://www.internalkungfu.com.au and personal FB page of martial arts master Phillip Warburton, https://www.facebook.com/SifuPhillipWarburton/.
I hope you will sympathize with me.
Thank you very much
Wing Chun Internal Martial Arts
(rough translation)
Wing Chun is often taught according to the "Cuong" method or as a "Foreigner" style. There are only a few places that teach this martial art in the internal style.
However, Wing Chun is truly a powerful martial art when practiced along the lines of an internal martial art.
For someone starting to learn Wing Chun, they will learn how to block attacks with either a front or a side defense.
To be able to focus on the internal nature of this martial art, practitioners need to study the skills in depth.
You need to feel your body, before you can connect your whole body together and use it to project tremendous force.
If Wing Chun is not practiced according to the domestic style, it will be a very weak martial art (leading to the need to combine techniques from other disciplines).
If a person trains their body in a home style, they can relax and connect their body parts together.
With external training, or the sects, to increase their strength they need to practice a lot physically.
For an internal Wing Chun practitioner, practicing with exercises and chi sau is a way to increase strength.
It's not really strength in the sense of physical strength, but the practitioner will have the feeling that his charisma is stronger than others.
If possible, please learn about master Tu Thuong Dien (Chu Shong Tin) on the Internet.
True Wing Chun must be practiced in the style of internal martial arts, otherwise its origin and mentality will become absurd theories.
Once the practitioner achieves internal strength, and uses the mind to focus their energy, they will reach the true power of Wing Chun.
Author: Phillip Warburton
About the author:
Phillip Warburton (Lives at Sydney, From: Narrabeen, New South Wales, Australia)
Began training Wing Chun in 2003. Phillip has trained primarily with Mark Spence of “Chi Sau Club”.
