About the origin of Wing Chun

Diep Chuan
Researching the history of Chinese martial arts is extremely difficult.
There are also legends about the origin of the Wing Chun sect, dating back to the period before Master Luong Tan.
Wing Chun was founded by Nghiem Wing Chun.
In 1982, I was in Foshan and visited Peng
Later, I accidentally discovered some information about Than-Thu Ngu, in ancient bibliographies about Chinese Opera, related to the origin of Wing Chun.
Before the Yongzheng Dynasty (1723-36, Manchu), Cantonese Opera was not very developed due to poor organization and unclear division of labor.
This book also states: in addition to being a good theater actor, Truong Ngu is also very good at martial arts.
Another information on page 631, volume 3, book "History of Chinese Opera" by Manh Dao (Mang Yiu), printed by Chuen Kay Publishing House in 1968: "For some reasons, Truong Ngu was unable to stay
From the above two pieces of information: Truong Ngu, also Than-Thu Ngu, is not only good at martial arts but also teaches martial arts.
Compared to the legend of Nghiem Wing Chun, I think the story of Than Thu Ngu seems more authentic about the origin of Wing Chun due to the following reasons:
1. Truong Ngu came to Foshan during the Yongzheng period, that is, about 40-50 years before the Shaolin Temple burned down (Qianlong period, 1736-95).
2. Tan Thu is a technique unique to Wing Chun.
3. A few years ago, my classmate BanhKam Fat
4. Before martial arts were transmitted to Luong Tan, the people involved such as Luong Lan Que, Dai Hoa Dien Cam, Hoang Hoa Bao, Luong Nhi De... were all people in the Red Boat
Of course, it is very difficult to verify the origin of Wing Chun from this little information about Truong Ngu.
During the Yongzheng period, a Hubei artisan named Truong Ngu, nicknamed Than Thu Ngu, had to escape from the capital to Foshan due to some reason.Tai Kay Mei), Foshan.
This hypothesis eliminates the mystical elements attributed to Wing Chun, and obtains the order of events.
(Translator: Vietnam Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen)
