About the trip to celebrate the beginning of the Year of the Pig of the Vietnamese Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen Dojo

Following the annual New Year's activities in recent years, the dojo has always held a Lunar New Year ceremony.
Attending today's ceremony with the Vietnamese dojo Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen were Ms. Nguyen Kim Dung, a disciple of Dai Nghia VXNG dojo in Poland;

For many years now, the land of Con Son - Kiep Bac has been the place where teachers and students have come every year to sincerely offer to Buddha, to Holy Tran, to the heroic spirits of the nation with their sincere wishes.
In the Temple of Saint Tran, with a passionate and sincere prayer in the dojo's prayer text dedicated to Saint Tran, with the heroic sound of drums and gongs resounding, we teachers and students wholeheartedly turned towards him.

When our teachers and students worshiped at Nguyen Trai Temple, there was also a TV crew from the Vietnam Television News Department filming here.

Today's trip to the Ky Hoi New Year celebration has given us teachers and students peace and happiness from within, giving us teachers and students more strength and stability on the path of Internal Wing Chun.
Sincerely pray that Buddha, Saints and the Holy Spirits will bless our teachers and students and everyone to always be healthy, peaceful, successful and happy.
Namo Original Master Shakyamuni Buddha.

Master Nguyen Ngoc Noi
