Buddha nature in martial arts and in the Wing Chun Noi Gia martial sect

(Posted at MagazineNew world,No-736, dated May 28, 2007“Buddhism in Martial Arts”)

The origin of Buddha nature in martial arts

When it comes to martial arts, up to now everyone has imagined an image of a healthy martial artist, strong in boxing, and with extraordinary strength;

Buddha nature in martial arts and in the Wing Chun Noi Gia martial sect

During its development, Shaolin martial arts were also spread outside the Buddha's door.

Up to now, many people whenever they hear about learning martial arts, they think about learning martial arts to use in fighting, even if it's just for self-defense.

Vinh Xuan Noi Gia, a martial arts sect originating from Buddhism, with the ancient name of Vinh Xuan Phat Gia.

The necessity of Buddha nature in martial arts

When studying martial arts, many people focus on building their ability to self-defense or to fight (for different purposes).

Preserving the essence of martial arts is promoting Buddha nature in martial arts.

VMaster - engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
