Celebrating the 1st anniversary of Shaolin Wing Chun Hai Phong dojo

Today, August 1, 2010, Hai Phong Shaolin Wing Chun Dojo celebrates its one-year anniversary, the official launch day. exactly 1 year ago, was allowed by the temple to use the temple grounds as a place to teach martial arts at the dojo.
Before the official ceremony, martial arts master Pham Tuan Dung, head of the Hai Phong Shaolin Wing Chun Dojo, invited us, the delegates to attend the celebration, to follow the abbot of Linh Quang Pagoda into the Three Jewels to perform the ceremony.
With a heart of compassion and profound understanding, the abbot of Linh Quang Pagoda - Hai Phong, monk Thich Tam Kinh, made profound and sincere statements during the celebration, containing the
Shaolin Wing Chun Hai Phong Dojo, when it launched, it only had 16 members.
The moves and kata of the dojo demonstrated by master Pham Tuan Dung and his students during the celebration, demonstrated the strong development ability of the dojo.
During the dojo's anniversary celebration, master Pham Tuan Dung and his students expressed their sincerity, shared with those affected by Agent Orange during the war, and gave gifts to those affected by Agent Orange.
Fresh flower baskets and souvenir gifts for martial arts master Pham Tuan Dung and Shaolin Wing Chun Hai Phong martial arts school from representatives of the Hanoi Martial Arts Association, representatives of sects, martial arts schools, and agencies.
The celebration was lively, meaningful and emotional, with the participation of many representatives of martial arts, cultural and sports organizations, fans of Wing Chun, and Thieu Dojo.
I pray to the Buddha, the Patriarchs, and the Wing Chun Masters to bless the Shaolin Wing Chun Martial Arts School in Hai Phong as well as the martial arts schools in the Wing Chun sect to develop sustainably.
I would like to share the joy and emotion of the 1st anniversary of the establishment of Hai Phong Shaolin Wing Chun Dojo with everyone.
I would like to thank everyone for their interest in my article.
Hanoi on August 1, 2010
Head Master - Head Master of VNVXNGQ Martial Arts School
Martial arts master - engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
