Celebrating the 2nd anniversary of the founding of Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Dojo

Yesterday, July 17, 2007, our Vietnamese martial arts school Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen held a celebration of the 2nd anniversary of the school's launch.

On July 8, 2007, our dojo had 12 instructors participating in the Hanoi Martial Arts Association who were granted membership cards for the first phase of 2007 (see photo below).

Today, in the joy of celebrating the 2nd anniversary of the dojo's launch, on behalf of all the brothers and sisters in our dojo, I would like to sincerely thank:

  • Hanoi Martial Arts Association.
  • Brothers and sisters of Vinh Xuan dojos in general and dojos in our branch in particular.
  • The brothers in martial arts were kind enough to care and help us during the operation of the martial arts school.
  • Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed our website.
  • Thank you to all the relatives of the brothers and sisters in the dojo for encouraging and helping our brothers and sisters feel secure and enthusiastic about their training activities.
  • Thank you to the Board of Directors of Thanh Quan Secondary School, thank you to the members of the security board and all the teachers, staff and staff of the school who have helped us over the past 2 years.
  • And I also thank all the brothers and sisters in the dojo who have enthusiastically practiced for the sect, for the dojo, and for their trust in me over the past years, and at the same time have shown profound gestures.

Recently, with my own efforts and the sincere help of my students, I was able to publish2 books.

With all our deep gratitude to the sect, and with the desire for the dojo to develop to help our brothers and sisters have the opportunity to come practice and develop together, our teachers and students have

Hanoi July 18, 2007
Martial arts master - Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
