Celebrating the opening of class A4: A few things to share with you

1. About the opening of class A4

On July 24, 2006, class A4 of Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen dojo opened at 6:00 p.m. and had its first practice session (pictures on the side and photo page).

However, recently, many of you have sent us letters asking about studying.

Because the number of students who have pre-registered as above is quite large compared to the capacity of the dojo, when proceeding to open the A4 class, our teachers and students will only notify directly to the students who have registered.

2. About some questions related to practicing basic movements

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the dojo's opening (July 17, 2005 - July 17, 2006), my master alsoIntroducing some basic moves and moves

The moves introduced by my master are all very basic initial moves, in some ways you can practice them yourself, especially for simple initial purposes like my teacher's article.

1. Do you need to pay attention to breathing, visualization, etc.?

2. What is the breathing rate when the hand is raised?

3. What are the important things to pay attention to when performing the movements?

4. Can the dojo introduce qigong exercises for self-practice?

About the original basic breathing training method of Noi Gia Wing Chun.

Practicing on your own (especially in the absence of specific, regular guidance) is a very difficult task. solid, droploose body, practiceslow, GoregularAre not

Practicing like this, you will gradually progress and go far in your practice.

I sincerely wish all of you, Wing Chun disciples, success on your training path, so that together you can contribute your small part to preserving the essence as well as the development and prosperity of the discipline.

Thank you for your interest in this article.

Hanoi, July 26, 2006
Engineer Bui Ta Hieu
Coach of VNVXNGQ dojo
