Closing ceremony for classes B3 and A10: A profound and impressive closing ceremony

On May 8, 2011, Vietnamese dojo Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen held a closing ceremony for classes B3 and A10. that isVivid and rich performance methods help students demonstrate more of the skills they have been taught.
The sincere statements expressing gratitude to Master Nguyen Ngoc Noi along with the fresh bouquets of flowers and souvenirs from the two classes expressed the deep affection of the students of classes B3 and A10 to Master.
In his speech, our master highly praised the efforts of the older brothers and sisters, as well as the two classes B3 and A10, and also expressed his joy and happiness at the close relationships.
Just as our teacher commented, the closing ceremony of classes B3 and A10 was truly impressive and profound.
Hanoi May 10, 2011
Main coach of class B3, VNVXNGQ champion
Engineer Dinh Si Trung
