Introducing the article The ancients taught two esoteric acupuncture points to awaken the body's invisible vitality

The ancients taught two esoteric acupuncture points to awaken the body's invisible vitality - Chan Yin is a term from Eastern medicine, referring to the hidden invisible energy of the yin underneath the body.
The upper part from the navel up is yang, and the part from the navel down to the feet is yin.
First of all, Yin means hidden part.
The Yang part is the part we directly use and come into contact with, and the Yin part is the part we rarely pay attention to but is the root, the basis, the starting place of Yang.
If the Yang part is larger than the Yin part, the entire structure begins to be at risk of early deterioration and will not last long.
Understanding this property, we must always strengthen the root part, meaning the Yin part, of life, of health...
According to the body's energy system, the activity of the mind above the head is the Yang pole.
Because the Head is the Yang pole, if we use the mind too much, the Yang part is gradually encroaching on the Yin part, and the risk of deterioration, illness and breakdown is also slowly approaching.
The lower abdominal system is at the Dan Dien point to the genitals with the Hoi Yin and Yang Strong points, which are also extremely important Yin parts for spirit and health.
Those who follow the Taoist path always consider training the lower abdominal system as a top priority.
Yin and Yang are two important acupuncture points.
If you want to protect Chan Yin, you need to pay attention to the following issues:
- Do not overactivate your mind or senses on your head or face.
- Spicy foods such as chili pepper and alcohol also reduce True Yin.
- Chemicals that treat certain diseases quickly but gradually destroy Chan Yin, especially pain relievers.
Excerpt from Zen Studies - TT.
