Introducing the initial basic training (Nursing)

[One year anniversary debut at the dojo Vietnam Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen, July 17, 2005 - July 17, 2006]

Recently, we have received many letters from you with many issues that you are interested in related to our dojo.

Today (July 17, 2006) is the one-year anniversary of the launch of the Vietnamese Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen dojo (July 17, 2005).

One thing to remind you to note is:Inner Wing Chun discipline focuses on energy. Article by Mr. Tran Thanh Ngoc, Head of the dojo, and a lesson on breathing methods by Dr. Nguyen Khac Vien, who studied under the late Master Tran Thuc Tien,by Mr. Nguyen Khac Phe

For sitting posture, please see photos 1 and 2. At the same time, you should read morearticle about softness, also by Mr. Tran Thanh Ngoc, to understand and shape your own practice.

Photo 1Photo 2

First, we would like to introduce some of the following movements for your reference and practice:

1. Ceremony, Ancestor worship and initiation movements:

These are mandatory movements in our dojo before each training session or before each kata. not simplychange mental state

1.1.Ceremony: This is the act of worshiping Buddha that we often do, the only difference is that this time our feet are standing in the same positionSet up tons

1.2.Paying homage: There are two foot positions when worshiping ancestors. The two characters Kiem yang (see photo 4).

Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5

1.3.Origin: (legs are always in Lap stance),

2.Movement 1:

From here on, practice each exercise 5 times.

Standing in the second position, hold yang, open your hands and gradually bring them up to your chest (see photo 6).

Photo 6Photo 7Photo 8Photo 9

3.Movement 2:

From the position of the two characters Kiem Duong, open both hands, turn them back and forth to the sides, up to shoulder level, hands gradually face down, elbows slightly bent, then bring them horizontally in front of you, at the temple level (

Photo 10Photo 11Photo 12

4. :

Practice like the exercise above.

5.Movement 4:

From the position of the two characters Kiem Yang, open your hands in front and point them upward, both sides.

6. :

Practice like exercise 3. But instead of open hands, both hands are clenched throughout the exercise.

7.Movement 6:

Standing in the second word restrains yang.

8.Movement 7:

Move as above, but do not hold the waist with both hands, but let them hang straight, letting them hang freely as the body twists (see photo 14).

9.Movement 8:

Standing in the second position, positive and negative.

Photo 13Photo 14Photo 15

ten.Movement 9:

Standing in the second character, Alkaline Yang.

Photo 16Photo 17Photo 18Photo 19Photo 20

11.Movement 10:

Standing in the second character, Alkaline Yang.

The introduction to some basic movements in our dojo's boxing system will stop here.

Today is also the one year anniversary of the launch of the dojo, I would like to share a few things with you.

Sincere thanks and gratitude to you.

Hanoi, July 17, 2006
Martial arts master - Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
