Martial arts master title ceremony for student Vu Anh Tuan

Today, October 22, 2021.
Today, I and the brothers in the Dojo were very happy to welcome Mr. Truong Anh Tuan, Head of the Executive Committee of Dai Nghia VXNG Dojo, although he was in the stage of medical treatment, he knew about this important holiday of the Martial Arts.
I was so touched when the Board of Directors of Dai Nghia VXNG Dojo, on behalf of the brothers in the Dojo, gave me flowers, a birthday cake and gifts to celebrate my 72nd birthday.
In this article, let me sincerely thank and be grateful to all my loved ones, brothers, friends near and far in life, on Facebook, and my beloved students in Vietnam and Poland who have
Let me return to today's ceremony of Dai Nghia VXNG Dojo.
In Poland, Vu Anh Tuan was the seventh student I taught to become my successor, the Inner Wing Chun Teacher.
Among my successor students, Mr. Vu Anh Tuan is a truly special person, an exemplary model in practice.
In today's joy, Mr. Vu Anh Tuan gave heartfelt and profound statements after being awarded the VXNG Martial Arts Master certificate by me.
In this Universe, whatever is born will definitely DIE.
After the ceremony, our teachers and students along with the couple of martial arts master Ryszard Murad, Chairman of the Polish Noble Association, Chairman of the Asian-Polish Federation of Martial Arts and Combat Sports, went to Van Binh restaurant to celebrate the New Year.
I would like to sincerely share with everyone the joy and happiness at the successes of my students on the Vinh Xuan Noi Gia path.
Warsaw 11:50 p.m. October 22, 2021
Master Nguyen Ngoc Noi
