Practicing exercises to cure illness and the story of reincarnated people

Their hard training not only gave them profound internal strength but also repelled the four incurable diseases, just like the spectacular "rebirths" in Kim Dung's novels.

On September 14, 2003, thousands of students at the opening ceremony of the Wing Chun Club, Hanoi, were amazed by the true but legendary story of boxer Pham Xuan Nhan. He wanted to come and test to see if this "stunted old man" with a history of stage 3 tuberculosis was really as rumored or not. (VXNGQ: See the correction by Professor Pham Xuan Nhan in Speech at the Dojo Launching Ceremony)
Few people know that martial arts master Tran Thuc Tien initially approached the practice of internal martial arts as if he were approaching a method of healing.
Seeing that Mr. Tien was seriously ill but had a strong love for him, Mr. Te Cong said: "I will cure your illness."
The life-saving gesture of martial arts master Te Cong was repeated by martial arts master Tran Thuc Tien with doctor Nguyen Khac Vien.
In 1977, doctor Nguyen Khac Vien decided to make a scientific film about this wonderful healing method.
Ms. Van always remembers the filming session of Dr. Nguyen Khac Vien.
At the age of 65, Ms. Van is still alive and well.
Meet Associate Professor, PhD.
According to experienced martial arts masters, very few students can survive practicing internal martial arts because it requires perseverance and diligence.
Tuan Anh, VNN, Hanoi, January 22, 2005
(Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen excerpt from original text)
