Shaolin Foshan Wing Chun Sect

If someone asked him who founded the Wing Chun sect, he would probably answer a monk or some scholar.

Because she is a woman, Wing Chun finds other martial arts to be too cumbersome and complicated in terms of "attacks" and external techniques.

Mr. Diep Man, 79 years old, the current leader of the Wing Chun sect, criticized the flamboyant ways of other martial arts and emphasized the ECONOMIC ACTION in Wing Chun.

Mr. Diep Man was born in Hoa Son district, Guangdong province, South China, and was good at Wing Chun martial arts. When he came to Hong Kong, he opened many martial arts schools there.

Now because of his age, Mr. Diep Van has stopped teaching martial arts.

Author: Peter Bennett (Published in "Black Bell" Magazine, 1972)
Translator: Professor Tran Van Tu
Corrector: Acting Master Ho Hai Long

VXNGQ's notes:

The English names in the article are probably the following people: Leong Bok Sui: Luong Bac Tru, Wong Wah Bo: Hoang Hoa Bao, Loeng Yee Tai: Luong Nhi De, Loeng Jon: Luong Tan, Chau Wan Son: Tran Hoa : Luong Dinh.
