Some discussions in the practice of Internal Wing Chun
Over the years, I as well as the instructors have discussed a lot with the brothers and sisters at the dojo during the training process at the dojo and through articles on the dojo's website about practicing the martial art.
First of all, I want you to understand the requirements of Internal Wing ChunPractitioners must be very thoughtful in training. “martial art of wisdom”. Wing Chun - martial art of wisdom and women”.
As everyone knows, in this day and age, with very sophisticated and powerful weaponsacctually isLearn to control your legs, arms, and body, according to your will, wherever you put it, wherever you take it, it's fast, accurate, has power, and is effective. Learn to first defeat yourself and control your body before thinking about defeating others”. Buddha nature in martial arts. Must study in a basic, systematic manner and must determine that the study period is not short.”
Previously, there was no reference or reference material for practicing, so I had to listen to every word the teacher taught me in class, so that when I came home to practice alone, I tried to think and see how my practice compared to others. Practicing in class is basic, practicing at home is important. . You should regularly watch, learn and compare what you learn in the dojo with what is written in the two books above., so that the practice is better in many aspects: such as performing the moves correctly, understanding the theory of the subject, etc.
With what my teacher has taught me and my own experience, I often advise my brothers and sisters at the dojo: "the wisest thing isWhat does the teacher teach, practice exactly like that, don't practice differently. Don't change when practicing, so you can change when you collide", just as the ancients said, "whatever is constant, responds to all changes". “Indeed, right from the 17th - 18th centuries, the Wing Chun Masters created the Tiger - Leopard - Crane - Snake - Dragon boxing exercises, using NHU (soft liquid) in expressing the martial arts, taking AIR as the source. Follow the training principles
The most important and basic thing for me in training is:"The fate with the sect and the teacher".“afterglow”, is in ourselves: how dedicated are we to the sect, to the martial arts school? Tell me a few more things about Vietnamese Wing Chun” on October 7, 2004, I also wrote:"job
2. The teacher's communication.
3. Determination, faith and diligence in training...". "The spirit lies in the self, the spiritless lies in the self".
A few things to confide and share sincerely with you.
Wishing you always happiness, success on your training path and success in all aspects of life.
Thank you for your interest in my article.
Hanoi November 22, 2008
Head Master - Head Master of VXNG Dojo
Martial arts master - Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
Head Master - Head Master of VXNG Dojo
Martial arts master - Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
- A few thoughts after the trip to Poland at the end of 2023
- Ceremony to build Wood staff for student Nong Trung Dung
- A good day in a good month for Vietnamese Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen Dojo
- Some photos of the training session at Nam Dong Dojo on October 8, 2023
- Disciples at Vietnam Dojo wish Master a happy birthday
