Special update to welcome the 1,000,000th visit

Sincerely greet all of you who love the website of Vietnamese dojo Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen.
At 10:09 today, July 28, 2010, June 17, year of the Tiger, happily for our dojo, we received your 1,000,000th visit.
Since the dojo's official information was officially posted on the dojo's website (July 5, 2004, that is, May 18, the year of Giap Than, the death anniversary of Master Nguyen Te Cong) until now.
Faced with the extremely precious feelings you have given to our teachers and students, to our website and dojo, we teachers and students do not know what else to say, other than to express our sincere thanks and gratitude.
We teachers and students would like to try our best to be worthy of your trust and love.
Once again, let us teachers and students share the happiness of receiving the 1,000,000th visit to the martial arts school's website and would like to sincerely thank and be grateful to everyone.
10:10 a.m. July 28, 2010 (June 28, Canh Dan year)
Martial arts master - Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
