Two days ago, someone asked me, with two meanings, both funny and true:
Seeing that you wrote that you are OLD, I wonder when you will "wash your hands and hang up your sword"?
Have you passed on to your students all the techniques and secrets you have learned?
I also answered both happily and truthfully (general idea): I will continue to teach until I can't speak.
I have vowed to follow the example of Master Nguyen Te Cong and my master Tran Thuc Tien on the path of teaching Vinh Xuan Noi.
The photos of Master Nguyen Te Cong with the Wood Man that many people have were taken about 3 months before the Master passed away (taken after the Lunar New Year - 1959).
During the last few years of my master Tran Thuc Tien's life, my master's health deteriorated a lot and he was unable to directly teach boxing.
However, in the long run, I have also recognized the need to hand over the responsibility of maintaining and developing the dojo to my next students.
Recalling old stories, talking about the enthusiasm in teaching of Master Nguyen Te Cong and my master Tran Thuc Tien so that everyone understands that I must try with all my ability to follow the example of my Master.
A few lines to share, hoping everyone will understand more about the Wing Chun Noi of our teachers and students.
I sincerely thank and appreciate everyone for their interest, encouragement, and support for our teachers and students on the Vinh Xuan Noi Gia path.
Warsaw October 8, 2021
Master Nguyen Ngoc Noi
