Mr. Nguyen Chi Thanh, son of Master Nguyen Te Cong, due to a myocardial infarction, suddenly passed away at 7:00 a.m. on November 12, 2014 (on the 20th day of the leap month of September, year of the Horse) at his home, no.
On behalf of Mr. Nguyen Chi Thanh's relatives, I would like to sincerely thank:
Old relatives, friends near and far, people of the neighborhood where he resided, Lan Cam Tu Co., Ltd. came to the funeral home to pay their respects.
Master Nguyen To Duong (grandson of Mr. Nguyen Ky Son, younger brother of Master Nguyen Te Cong), along with his disciples in the Wing Chun branch in China, sent wreaths to pay their respects.
Mr. Nguyen Hung Vu (aka Ho Phi Hung), son of late master Nguyen Duy Hai (aka Ho Hai Long, student of Master Nguyen Te Cong), and students of late master Ho Hai Long: master Huynh
Master Luc Ha Kim, younger brother of late master Luc Vien Khai (late master Luc Vien Khai was a student of Master Nguyen Te Cong) and a junior brother of master Luc Ha Kim came to the funeral home to pay their respects.
Master Tran Thiet Con, also known as Sinh, son of the late master Tran Thuc Tien (master Tran Thuc Tien was a student of Master Nguyen Te Cong) flew to Ho Chi Minh City with four students to go to the funeral home.
Martial arts master - Dr. Le Kim Thanh, a student of the late master Tran Van Phung (the late master Tran Van Phung was a student of Master Nguyen Te Cong), currently residing in the Russian Federation;
Master Dinh Trong Thuy and a number of masters of Vinh Xuan Hanoi sent wreaths to pay their respects.
Master Nguyen Ngoc Anh, a Wing Chun master in Ho Chi Minh City, and a number of Wing Chun disciples in Ho Chi Minh City came to the funeral home to pay their respects and send Mr. Nguyen Chi Thanh off to the crematorium.
My students at the Vietnamese martial arts school Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen: Master Master Tran Thanh Ngoc, Master Phan Quoc Vinh, Master Truong Duc Hieu, Master Nguyen Manh Hung, Coach Hoang Phuong Dung, have
My students at the Dai Nghia Vinh Xuan Noi Gia dojo in Poland: Master Truong Anh Tuan, Head of the Dojo Executive Committee and the disciples in the dojo sent wreaths to pay their respects.
My former students who are living and working in Ho Chi Minh City: Pham Hong Son, Tran Ngoc Thang, Dinh Thi Van Khanh came to the funeral home to pay their respects.
My students: Nguyen Ngoc Son, Pham Trung Kien, master Pham Tuan Dung (Vinh Xuan Shaolin Hai Phong dojo) paid their respects.
In the process of planning the funeral, it is impossible to avoid shortcomings. We hope that you, the martial arts masters, brothers, disciples, and students in the dojos of the Wing Chun sect, will forgive them.
On behalf of Mr. Nguyen Chi Thanh's relatives
Master Nguyen Ngoc Noi
