The 5th open letter of martial arts master Nguyen Ngoc Noi: A few words discussed about the martial arts system of the martial arts school

Recently I received some comments from those who love our branch and Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen Dojo.

  1. Why is the Dojo's basic program 2 years long?
  2. What conditions must be met to learn internal martial arts?
  3. Are the Tam Kieu and Tieu Chi that some Wing Chun dojos in Vietnam are practicing, passed down from Master Nguyen Te Cong?
First of all, I would like to sincerely thank you for the love you have given us.
  1. Wing Chun is an Inner Martial Arts - Soft Fist style, with close combat as the main motto in training.
  2. Nei Kung in Vinh Xuan Nei Gia is the highest kung fu.
  3. If you ask Tam Kieu and Tieu Chi that some Wing Chun dojos in Vietnam are practicing if they were taught by Master Nguyen Te Cong, I do not have enough basis and understanding to answer this question.
Each sect, each branch within a sect has its own unique characteristics.
If what I answer does not satisfy you, I hope you will sympathize.
Thank you very much.
Hanoi, September 4, 2005
Director, Head Master of Vietnam Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen Dojo
Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
