The death anniversary ceremony in the year of the Dog - 2006 at Vinh Xuan Noi Gia martial arts hall

Today, May 18, the year of the Dog (June 13, 2006), is the death anniversary of Master Nguyen Te Cong.

For our dojo, today, besides the profound sacredness of the Patriarch's death anniversary, is also the 2nd anniversary of officially posting information online about our Vinh Xuan Noi Gia branch.

On Sunday, June 11, 2006 (ie May 16, Year of the Dog), our teachers and students celebrated our Patriarch's death anniversary in the dojo, and at the same time celebrated the 2nd anniversary of officially joining the website and celebrating

Also on this day, I officially introduced my first student, currently the head of the dojo, to demonstrate his success in Internal Kung Fu after a period of time being taught by me.

Since following my master, I have always devoted myself to the sect, with a sincere respect and gratitude to my ancestors and Master.

On the occasion of the sacred and profound death anniversary of the Patriarch, on the anniversaries of the martial arts school, I sincerely pray that the Patriarchs of the sect, Master Nguyen Te Cong, and the late masters will bless the disciples of the sect.

Once again, I sincerely thank and appreciate everyone.

Hanoi on May 18, year of the Dog
(on June 13, 2006)
Martial arts master - Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
