The latest revelation of the "hermit" of the Vietnamese martial arts village: The reincarnated person

Wing Chun "legendary"

Today, Wing Chun sect has become a famous sect around the world.
After a few years like that, Master Te Cong was grateful to see that Tran Thuc Tien had tuberculosis - a disease considered incurable at that time - to a severe stage, often coughing up blood.
According to martial arts master Nguyen Thi Van, Wing Chun is a particularly profound martial art with a very scientific training method.
Journey into martial arts and literature
Ms. Nguyen Thi Van is originally from Hanoi.
In the early days, although other students only practiced twice (one hour each time) a week, Ms. Van was instructed to practice every day (four hours each time).
After the initiation ceremony, Ms. Van took turns swearing three times to the teacher (swearing loyalty to the sect and master, not using martial arts to harm others, not doing wrong), followed by a blood oath ceremony and she was initiated.
Hermit in the capital
In mid-1977, doctor Nguyen Khac Vien (a man who had one lung removed, studied with Master Tien, and recovered) decided to make a scientific film about this wonderful practice method.
The studio that day was very crowded.
Several decades have passed, but the above story has not been forgotten by those who knew Master Van at that time. They all believed that she was reborn by practicing the martial art Wing Chun. "I discussed with master Phan Duong Binh, the plan is to simplify the method in the near future, popularize Wing Chun so that many people can practice and improve their physical strength. Wing Chun is a martial art with methods. . "So why do people jokingly call her a hermit?""What needs to be done, when should be done..."
*Note: the sections in square brackets [..] are summarized by us.
Nguyen Nam (Excerpt from Today magazine, No 6/2003)
