Think about a sentence, think about practice

In the past days, after Ancestor's death anniversary of the dojo, I think and look back at my teaching process as well as the practice of my students, I think a lot about a very meaningful saying in the field of education that I find very true. “Education is not the filling of a vase, but the lighting of a fire”.
Over the years, the Vietnamese Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen dojo has been very pleased and happy to welcome many brothers and sisters who have come to practice.
"Literature is practiced, martial arts are practiced", as the ancients taught.
Learning martial arts is like studying literature, it's not just about "filling the tank", but the problem is how to use that knowledge. fire
Writing this article, I want my brothers and sisters in the dojo to have a clearer awareness of following VXNG practice through a very meaningful saying: "Education is not about filling a vase, but
Hopefully some of the above discussions will be helpful to fellow students as well as those who love the Vietnamese martial arts school Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen, want to practice at the martial arts school, so that teachers and students can join hands to light up the world.
Sincerely thank everyone for their interest in my article.
Hanoi August 4, 2011
Martial arts master - engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
