Tiger power in the minds of Vietnamese people

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of conquering the heights of the natural world, to master the natural world like the power of the king of the forest.
Tiger Fist – the first exercise of Noi Gia Wing Chun
Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Dojo (29 Hang Cot, Hanoi) on a weekend evening is like any other practice session - not noisy, without too much muscle display, but quiet, deep and
It is the profoundness and discreetness of Vinh Xuan Noi Gia that inspired me to learn and discover the mysteries and uniqueness of this martial art: What makes this martial art so attractive to people?
Legend has it that the creator of Wing Chun martial art was a female monk - Ngu Mai Su Ba.
Thus, Wing Chun is a martial art that favors gentleness.
According to the explanation of Master Nguyen Ngoc Noi - Head of the Vinh Xuan Noi Gia sect, tiger boxing is a good exercise for the muscular and skeletal system, therefore, practicing tiger boxing has great significance in improving health.
* Tiger boxing is a good exercise for the muscular and skeletal system, therefore, practicing tiger boxing is of great significance in health training - the first and mandatory requirement for practicing any martial art.
* Tiger boxing in particular and martial arts in general have great meaning to people, especially young people.
Discover the beauty of tiger boxing
Martial arts are a product of human intelligence and cultural quintessence, so in the process of development, there are changes and accretions according to the human development process. The internal martial arts line is more about human movements and internal forces.
Also because it is a product of human intelligence, in the process of transmission, tiger rights are not outside the general laws of movement and development.
For Wing Chun Noi, practicing tiger boxing is very important.
Tiger boxing in particular and martial arts in general have great meaning to people, especially young people.
After more than 30 years of being involved with martial arts, it seems that each style and martial art has entered into the person of martial arts master Nguyen Ngoc Noi as a part of life.
The man, who was in his seventies, was still healthy and energetic, with rosy skin and a bright voice.
Thu Hong
Rediscover the history of the 100-year-old school
(Article published in Voice of Vietnam newspaper No. 08 (851) dated January 28, 2010)
A few words before you read the article:This is an article written by martial arts master - engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi for TNVN newspaper. Admin.
More than two years ago, during a document search, Mr. Do Huu Loc - a student of the Vietnamese martial arts school Vinh Xuan Noi Gia Quyen found some documents related to Thanh Quan Secondary School (29 Hang Cot,
To confirm the time when Thanh Quan school was born, the teachers and students of the Vietnamese martial arts school Vinh Xuan Noi Gia were determined to find a decision to determine the origin and history of the formation of Thanh Quan Secondary School. (In fact, Mr. Loc thanks Vietnamese students in France).
On December 11, 2009, Mr. Loc(In fact, martial arts master Nguyen Ngoc Noi and two other students arrived. Mr. Loc was not present)
Nguyen Ngoc Noi
