Trip to visit Master's grave on January 22, 2010

With sincere feelings and deep gratitude, my student, Mr. Nguyen Van Dao, before having to leave practice to go on a long business trip, expressed his wish to visit the Master's grave with me.
Due to work conditions and circumstances, we teachers and students arranged a day to visit the Master.
It's been almost half a year since I visited Master again.
As informed by the staff who take care of the tomb where the Master and the Master's mother rest, there are also many people who come to visit the Master's ceremony.
During a short pilgrimage, being with the Master, we teachers and students felt the profound happiness that the Master transmitted to us, and it was as if the Master gave us more energy and strength, to be steadfast on our path.
Time still keeps passing.
At 9:30 p.m., we boarded the plane to Hanoi.
Every time I visit my Master's ceremony, my heart feels so much deeper gratitude, and my Master gives me more inner energy, vitality, strength and wisdom to stay steadfast on the eternal path.
I sincerely pray for Master's blessings for the Wing Chun sect and for our Vinh Xuan Noi Gia dojo to develop, prosper and be sustainable.
I sincerely thank everyone who has helped, supported and encouraged us teachers and students on the Vinh Xuan path.
Hanoi January 23, 2010
Headmaster - head master of the VXNG dojo
Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
