Wing Chun - The martial art of wisdom and women

(Published in Capital Women newspaper, No. 6, date

Wing Chun - origin and process of introduction and development in Vietnam

Wing Chun, a martial art originating from China in the mid-17th century.
At the end of 1939, Master Nguyen Te Cong came from Hong Kong to Vietnam and taught Wing Chun in Vietnam.
The practicality of Wing Chun in life:
In the 1970s of the twentieth century, movie star Bruce Lee made the whole world aware of the very high effectiveness of Wing Chun (Wing Chun) in combat.
Among the students of Master Nguyen Te Cong, there was the late master Tran Thuc Tien.
Instead of conclusion:
Former boxing champion - Mr. Pham Xuan Nhan had sincere thoughts when talking about Wing Chun: "The skill of this art is very terrible", "I admire it so much, so admire it, so much respect for the skill of this discipline." Full text of Mr. Pham Xuan Nhan's confession on the website:
Hopefully Wing Chun, the martial art of spring, the martial art of beauty, will help people find their hidden abilities within themselves.
Hanoi, January 5, 2006
Head Master - Head Master of Vietnam Wing Chun Noi Gia Quyen Dojo
Martial arts master - Engineer Nguyen Ngoc Noi
